Monday 2 April 2012

Profile Christine

Profile of CCDN member: 

Name: Christine Mupundumani

Age : 26years

Sex : Female

Christine Mupundumaniis a twenty six year old single parent to two boys- the first one, aged six years’ is already in primary school while the second one is who is two years younger than his sibling attends crèche close to their rented home in Zengeza 2, Chitungwiza.  With his two kids in tow, Christine walks with a   swagger as she approaches the Information desk behind the stage were artists are performing.
Christine's woes began in 2007 as Zimbabwe’s sociopolitical and economic crisis climaxed. Her husband Tendai, was retrenched from tile-making company based in Harare’s Southerton industrial area with a paltry allowance. 
Faced with a hyperinflationary economic environment characterized by food and basic commodities shortages, Tendai joined the great trek down south and jumped the border with former workmates to look for employment opportunities in South Africa. At first Tendai applauded the idea hoping her husband would remit his earnings and help take care of their families. Tendai kept his promise and would send groceries and money every month to his family through bus drivers who ply the Johannesburg-Harare route. As the elders saying “say out of sight out of mind”, With the passage of time, the remittances grew lesser and so did the frequency until they turned into a sad twice a year ritual and eventually dried up after three years. Tendai‘s cell phone number went unanswered at first until it was not reachable.

As her husband’s support gradually decreased, Christine sensed danger and was forced to look for an alternative source of income to supplement her husband’s dwindling remittances. With the tacit support of her landlord who sympathized with her plight she started attending to clients who needed their hair done under a tree in her landlord’s backyard in 2009. Slowly she gained valuable experience and improved her skills as her clientele grew and in 2010, she built a two-roomed corrugated iron shack which he lovingly decorated and turned into a Hair salon. She invited two male barbers and two female hairdressers who rent space from her and work in the salon. Her thriving business has enabled her to pay rent, feed her kids and educated them leaving a healthy surplus which she is saving for a rainy day. Her husband’s remittances are the last thing on the back of her mind and she is grateful for hard times that created an opportunity for her to be a successful businesswoman.

Despite the euphoria and self-confidence that comes with running a successful enterprise, Christine is a worried woman. She knows her business premises are illegal under Chitungwiza’s by-laws and they also violate national public Health laws and other town planning statutes marking them as legitimate targets for state-sponsored demolitions like the notorious Operation Murambatsvina.

“The Lord works in mysterious ways”, was how she summed up her experience. “I never thought I would be so financially independent in my life. I feel in charge and whatever I need in life- I have to work hard, earn, save and purchase  

“This road-show is great and was a real eye opener  for me as a self-employed single parent who looks after two kids from the proceeds of my hairdressing salon” she concluded.

Christine is now a member of CCDN. She has applied for Youth funds from CABS. She met and joined a performing arts group through CCDN. Visit her facebook page